Year of the Ox novelty wrist watch Birth Years: 1937, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97, 2009, 2021
$ 12.95 $ 21.95
Goldenwave Creations Asian Zodiac novelty wrist watch .A lot of fun and will get you noticed. Accurate movement but not intended for precision timekeeping. Children will love them. Adults will have a fun campy conversation piece. Comes in a plastic gift case with a fresh battery.
OX: 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021 Keeper of tradition, the Ox maintains a
classic and sophisticated style. Iron-willed, they remain true to their beliefs. A strong leader, their hard work and dedication are an inspiration to all. Ox never stray from their chosen path.
Most compatible with: Rat, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Monkey and Rooster